Dr. Rivers, thank you for reading and your feedback.
We are preparing but many fail to realize this is not a movie and when we finally see "The End", we are not going to be able to step outside the theater and all will be back to normal, phew, what a depressing movie!
This is us coming to grips with our mortality, realizing that we have an enourmous "normalcy bias" and are mostly blind to our predicament.
Decades of Neo-liberal crashes after which we "resumed normal growth" ( at the expense of the biosphere) has blinded us to the fact that this time it is different.
I guess, humans are never really "prepared" for the end, save the sentiment that "there are no atheists in foxholes". We do however, each and every on of us, need to prepare for a drastic discontinuity to our lifestyles and a rethinking of our perspectives of "civilization", then decide what really is important today, what we need to save within us.
We need to define what kind of human we want to be going forward.