Hopes and pixie dust.
"Renewable energies are by far the cheapest way to produce energy. "
1st law of thermodynamics states: energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.
Our non-fossil fuel energy capturing machines are just that, machines. They do not "produce" energy. They use material inputs such as fossil fuels, metals, glass, concrete to transform energy received into useful energy that can do work.
2nd law of thermodynamics ensures that some of that energy is dissipated and is no longer useful to do work.
The price reduction anticipated in ramping up construction of said machines is based on the erroneous assumption that the material and energy inputs in constructing the said machines will be steady or at historical averages, which is totally absurd.
Even if we divert the present extraction ( not production) of the material and energy globally to the construction of billions of these magical energy conversion machines, we will soon come up against very hard limits of availability which will cease to make these machines "cheap", - not to mention the maintenance and replacement required for the billions of these non-fossil fuel energy conversion machines.
I encourage you to think of affordability in terms of energy-invested and energy-returned and not financial trickery. Humans created money, nature created copper.