
Mitchell, I agree Europe is toast and a new world energy order is being fashioned.

A few days I wrote on Medium:

"The Europen Union, has become a high tech and an overseas-holdings dependent, contiguous territory. It has little oil reserves, a declining gas production, is faced with rising debt, immigration, political unrest, inequality, and has a wide-open, indefensible border. It can no longer expect to be carried by the rest of the world.

The colonizers are about to be colonized.

In our soon-to-be-energy-starved future continental Europe has become a liability the U.S. can not afford."




Alex Ates Haywood
Alex Ates Haywood

Written by Alex Ates Haywood

After 20 years in finance I realized it was all a lie. Now I'm trying to figure out what 'it' is. Human being tired of being lied to.

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