Sun Tzu also said a wise general wins before the war begins.
Putin is in the process of creating and consolidating a 21st Century energy empire.
"The Europen Union, has become a high tech and an overseas-holdings dependent, contiguous territory. It has little oil reserves, a declining gas production, is faced with rising debt, immigration, political unrest, inequality, and has a wide-open, indefensible border. It can no longer expect to be carried by the rest of the world.
The colonizers are about to be colonized.
In our soon-to-be-energy-starved future continental Europe has become a liability the U.S. can not afford. We might keep the British Isles as a nuclear aircraft carrier a bit longer.
The U.S. consumes 7 times more oil than Russia while Russia outproduces the U.S. by 2:1 per capita and exports close to 5 million bbl/day".
Things are about to get really scary.