
Teşekkürler Berna hanim.

Also food for thought:

of the top 10 food companies in the US.

1- JBS is a wholly owned subsidiary of a Brazilian company of the same name.

2- Tyson is incorporated in HK and Canada - 65% owned by TIHC; 35% Dailong Holding Company for foreign subsidiaries

5- Smithfield - Owned by WH Group of China..

7-National Beef Packing - owned by Marfrig - the second largest Brazilian food processing company, after JBS.

So, we off-sourced some of our carbon emissions from manufacturing to China and they are off-sourcing their methane emissions from meat production to the U.S. Cozy arrangement!

I wonder why beef prices have doubled in the last 12 months??



Alex Ates Haywood
Alex Ates Haywood

Written by Alex Ates Haywood

After 20 years in finance I realized it was all a lie. Now I'm trying to figure out what 'it' is. Human being tired of being lied to.

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