Thank you. How quickly we forget that even mainstream U.S. press was saying it recently till they were "encouraged" to stop. The links below are by no means exhaustive. Please give them a read.
Also, let's not forget that Finland was allied with the Germans and active in the siege of Leningrad that caused 1 million Russian lives, till they saw who was wining the war and changed sides. We may have forgotten but the Russians haven't.
To all who are sure to accuse me of being a Russian bot or an apologist, I am neither. I just hate being lied to and am disgusted that the present rhetoric only serves to extend the war which will escalate and cause the death of hundreds of thousands. We can only stop if we understand and understanding does not equate condoning. If the press and the group-think was pro-Putin I would oppose it just the same.
Also note,I am not trying to assign blame. War in itself is a crime against humanity and all who facilitate it share some of the blame, some more than others for sure.
From Foreign Policy Mag:
Preparing for War With Ukraine’s Fascist Defenders of Freedom
From The Nation: Neo-fascists play an important official or tolerated role in US-backed Ukraine.
From Amnesty Intl. : Ukraine: The Authorities’ Inaction Emboldens Rising Violence by The Far-Right
From the N.Y. Times: "Defenders of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion, which the F.B.I. calls “a paramilitary unit” notorious for its “association with neo-Nazi ideology,” accuse us of being part of a Kremlin campaign to “demonize” the group."
Finland in WWII from the History channel :
"During World War II, German forces begin their siege of Leningrad, a major industrial center and the USSR’s second-largest city. The German armies were later joined by Finnish forces that advanced against Leningrad down the Karelian Isthmus. The siege of Leningrad, also known as the 900-Day Siege though it lasted a grueling 872 days, resulted in the deaths of some one million of the city’s civilians and Red Army defenders."