Thank you !
Kerry Landon-Lane, the world has consumed 1.45 trillion barrels of oil since 1950 and only managed to pull 800 million people (who own 90% of the wealth) in to the comforts of Global Industrial Civilization.
There is 1.6 trillion bbl of oil left in the ground at most, not all of it recoverable (see link) and 7.2 billion (and counting) people left to "get rapidly up to speed" - whatever that means.
Besides the meaningless corporate-speak, how do you propose to keep the first billion enjoying their billions while bringing the remaining 7.2 billion up to whatever speed you envision and keep going into the future?
The 1.45 trillion barrels we have already burned that has made 800 million of us fabulously rich has already put the planet on a path of destruction we haven't seen since the legends of Atlantis and Gilgamesh and your solution to save the remaining 7.2 billion is to "rapidly" burn more? Till when? Till we start grazing sheep on Northern pastures of Greenland?
Doomism is depressing but hopeism is killing us !
(How much oil is left?)