Thank you for this article. Food scarcity is soon to be on everyone's mind..
I lived in Turkey for a while, (long time ago). It used to be an abundant, verdant country able to feed its population and then some. Between IMF bailouts and austerity that inevitably follows, leading of course to the privatization (theft) of the commons, unbridled corruption and population growth it is now at the mercy of the global food supply chain, which as you point out, has been shattered.
Next couple of decades ig going to be tough for all, but especially calamitous for populations with little access to food, even here in the US. We have sold our house and have been driving around in a motorhome for the last 10 months, trying to decide what we should do and where to settle. The poverty and the lack of access to nutrition outside of urban areas in this wealthiest country on the planet is heart-breaking.
Time to acquire a plot and start planting a "Victory garden" while we can still get seeds.