The techno-hopist in me wishes you are right but unfortunately the realist in me thinks not.
The world may be flooded by abundant energy from the sun but our energy capturing machines (solar panels and wind generators) are fossil-fuel dependent from mining to construction, erection to maintenance. As the Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI) of fossil fuels declines the price of those energy capturing machines will stop their descent and that energy (which is electricity specifically that CAN'T run everything) will stop being cheap.
Money is a marker for future energy and our energy today and into the foreseeable future is fossil-fuel dependent, and will stop being "cheap", $100/bbl oil is in our immediate future and is not going down.
The idea that "resource restraints will not exist in the future " is simply wrong. We live on a finite planet and no recycling is 100% efficient. Thermodynamics is a bitch, and the second law is a bastard.
Rather than writing a longer reply I would like to urge you to read the link below that provides an excellent summary of the predicament we are in by another Medium writer who does a masterful job of summarizing the issues. He has several other articles.
I appreciate your comments though, please do not take this personally and thank you for reading.
The second link is a report from the Geological Survey of Finland addressing the materials needed for an energy transition, in case you are interested in further reading. Thx.